Black Peppercorns
Low in: Saturated Fat.
Even Lower in: Cholesterol, Sodium.
Good source of: Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium.
Even better source of: Dietary Fibre, Vitamin K, Iron, Copper and Manganese.
Pepper is a condiment that has been salt's partner on Western tables for hundreds of years. Black peppercorns were so valuable centuries ago is because they can be stored for almost indefinitely without losing their quality, taste or aroma.
Black pepper can be bought both ground or in its whole peppercorn form but the food always taste better when the pepper corns are crushed using a manual grinder; added during cooking of before serving. A spice that stimulates the appetite and gives food a gentle warmth as well as enhancing the taste of other ingredients in the dish.
Black pepper is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit.
Black peppercorns comes from a climbing vine, the fruits of which - small round berries - ripen from green to red and finally to brown. They are then dried whole before being sold.
It is the world’s most traded spice, and is one of the most common spices added to cuisines around the world.
The pepper plant is a perennial woody vine growing up to 4 m (13ft) in height on supporting trees, poles, or trellises.
Peppercorns can be green, white or black, depending on when they are harvested. Pink ‘peppercorns’, however, are not true pepper.
Black pepper helps improve your stomach’s ability to digest foods and promotes intestinal health. Because black pepper is a carminative, it discourages intestinal gas from forming, and as a bonus, the outer layer of the peppercorn aids in the break-down of fat cells.